Sunday, February 13, 2011

Axis of evil. Bob Ross and Garrison Keillor?

O.K, I'll admit Bob Ross was perhaps the most mesmerizingly mellow painter of "happy trees" in all of human history but I don't think that makes him a pariah. Hell, i suspect his blissful demeanor wasn't even drug induced. Never saw him lick the brushes.
As for Garrison Keillor...well he did have a grudge against George II, and he does wear red socks but i doubt that makes him a Commie. I think people from Minnesota are just a little odd. A cold winter brings out the quirks in folks.

These guys epitomize P.B.S.(Public Broadcasting Corporation) and N.P.R.(National Public Radio).Both could be viewed as boring beyond belief and tone deaf to boot
but by God both have cult followings and are utterly unpitchable to commercial media.
Congress has a very serious vote next week which could have a devastating effect on how we view ourselves as a Nation.
In the course of this last year N.P.R. news has pissed off some very vocal Conservatives to the point that they are rallying Congress to cut the funding for Public Broadcasting. Why should American tax payers pay for liberal bed wetting, tree hugging programing when we are in a fiscal state of emergency.
Why indeed.
Because there are millions of Americans from coast to coast that rely on 4 hours of uninterrupted non commercial news a day to keep up with all the events of the world. 4 hours!! No Network is going to give a news agency that much time to cover news. It's not economically viable. No, but it is priceless.
Add to this many stations broadcast the B.B.C. world news at night and even a truck driver from Podunk Indiana can get a good perspective on how things are going on this Planet.
Information is power and I prefer to get it as unfiltered and unedited as possible. I don't need nattering nitwits commenting on news like it is a football game. Give me the news as in depth as possible and not just the big story of the moment, how bout following up on stories that have slipped from the headlines. N.P.R. has the time to explore the news and follows stories for years if need be.

There needs to be an outlet for 16th century chamber music,short stories read aloud, rare music from Africa, odd stories about odd Americans, Jazz, book reviews,American heritage music,two brothers from Cambridge who laugh more than give car advice, and even a red stockinged giant Lutheran from Minnesota who can't sing and isn't overly funny but like lutefisk has people who adore him.
Thank God we are a nation of diversity and not bound by what is only popular and marketable. Our strength is in our unique and different strands.
N.P.R and P.B.S. give a stage to voices that otherwise would not be heard.
Cut all funding for Public Broadcasting?
I say HELL NO. Crank up the Bach cantata and party like you're Nina Totenberg covering the Supreme Court. We need public access to the airwaves.