This has been a rough week for folks who speak their minds.
Monday Salmaan Taseer, Governor of Punjab Province, Pakistan was assassinated by a bodyguard. Shot 27 times because of his stance against Pakistan's Blasphemy laws.
Taseer called the laws "Draconian" and he was pleading the case of a woman sentenced to death for blaspheming the Prophet Muhammad.(A charge brought against her by her neighbors who had refused water from her because she was "unclean".)
500 clerics across Pakistan praised the courage of the assassin and thousands of fundamentalists took to the streets to celebrate his killing of an infidel.
The fear of reprisal or perhaps sympathy to the assassin made it impossible to find a cleric willing to perform the funeral. A cleric from a far off Provence was flown in to conduct the funeral. FOR THE GOVERNOR, who is seen as a criminal and his assassin a hero.
Salmaan Taseer knew his life was in danger because of the thoughts he held and his courage to speak them to a violent opposition.If common sense and an honest look at how things stand can get you killed do you keep your mouth shut or throw caution to the wind and speak?
I reckon Fundamental Clerics see it the same way....we have The Truth and must have the courage to act on our convictions.
And somehow all this horse shit winds up leaving a sad desert scene on one side of the World and popping up in another tragic desert backdrop.
Folks wail non stop about threats to our Democracy and take overs and hidden evil agendas that will undermine our way of life and then are shocked when some nimrod shoots up the Safeway.
If we argue over ideas using the rhetoric of violence then it is only a matter of time before the more zealous amongst us take such language literally.
What we say and think have tremendous power on those around us.
What we believe can change the world.
We reap what we sow. So how bout a bit more civility?
I've been having this escalating feeling that Human consciousness is hitting a pivotal point of awareness and we are at a tricky bit of our path which if we keep our footing can lead to a great age of balance or we slip and fall into something akin to the Dark Ages. Nothing new in this thought, same thing said when the printing press was invented, hell probably when fire was first captured....."Grock, you see, whole world change. Ow hair on fire..."
But now we have the science to measure the effect of our thoughts on the physical world and the closer we look at the very fabric of the universe we learn that just by our looking at and contemplating of this fabric we bring on quantum changes.
By Jimminny there is magic all around us so lets say we knock off the evil self destructive crap and get busy putting up the party decorations.
Guess who just learned about Noetics.
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