Saturday, December 25, 2010

A small choice to everything

Funny thing about having a dodgy back, it affords me a perspective on the world in which I cherish leaves caught in circular eddies of wind or the halting paths of coyotes as they slip through our busy world.
Drunks and madmen have my great respect as they truly mull over the next critical step they will take for indeed all of their existence can change in the next choice.
The fact that I could sneeze and then spend a month in exquisite pain grants me a love for the arbitrary chance or overwhelming forces that can sweep over our lives.
How many times are we happily rolling along in our lives and in a blink of an eye we are in a ditch?
Sure the great events that shake nations and rattle the globe effect us all but I have always been fascinated by the enormous consequences of the smallest decisions we make. Literally can your life be changed depending on which side of the bed you get up on?
I have a house full of dogs and have more or less become a kind of slow of foot, hairless cousin of the canine family who can make food magically appear all because I turned left on a walk instead of the usual right six years ago.
Or maybe I just basically lack drive and direction.
But don't people fall in love by the chance encounter or have the epiphanies that change lives after an unexpected occurrence?

We make plans, create order, make sound decisions and all the while we are in the middle of an immense river in which we can only know the small bit on which we float as the rest of existence surges us along.

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