Sunday, September 25, 2011

Being regular.

I'm driving along minding my own business the other day and Herman Cain comes on my radio and says first thing he'd do is get rid of the E.P.A. Really?
In the last couple of weeks I've heard proposals of doing away with the Department of Education, the F.D.A., The National Weather Service, the Federal Reserve and other banking regulatory agencies. In short The Federal Government.
Cool, we'll let business and State governments set the rules and standards for society. What could possibly go wrong?

Regulations are crippling this Country. That is a very popular clarion call being belted out across the airwaves these days.
Hell, I'm up to my chinny chin chin in regulations every time I go to work.
The Federal Government tells me I can only work 14 hours a day and 70 hours in a week so I don't fall asleep at the wheel and run over a bus full of nuns.
They also say I can only have a load weight of 80,000 lbs so I don't pulverize bridges and roads as I'm tooling around. What an assault on my freedom!!
Hang on, being a fatigued menace to society and destroyer of infrastructure is a bad thing. Oh dear, regulations good?
Let's face it even with regulations we can be devious little shits.
Business is always going to try and get away with the cheapest bottom line even if it means dumping toxins in the water or air or paying women less than men just because they can.
We are always going to try and do more than the speed limit because we need to. Screw public safety.
Fishermen will over fish, farmers will waste the soil, coal miners will be valued about as much as shovels. And this is WITH regulations!
You want to get rid of regulations and Government? It's very easy.
That's it. Not just for driving anymore. A Mantra for our times.
Regulations are like another set of physical laws to protect ourselves from our dumb ass selves. We can be pretty myopic when it comes to profits and our best interests.You don't catch a river on fire or make a Love Canal by doing the right thing.
Be sweet. Do good work. Look out for others needs and the impact of our actions on ourselves and generations to come. How hard is that?
I'm thinking we might need the regulations till we get over this whole asshole stage.
Changing Government starts with us changing our minds.

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